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Things To Consider Before Installing Rooftop Solar Panels

Things To Consider Before Installing Rooftop Solar Panels

People in East Africa are increasingly investing in solar power systems. They’re installing solar panels on their roofs, and why not? In recent years, solar power technology has seen incredible advancements, many of which have helped to reduce the cost of the equipment involved. Installing solar panels on your roof is also an excellent way to generate electricity for your home and business, as well as the grid while minimizing your environmental impact.

1. Does your roof need repairs?

Before you even consider installing solar panels, consider how old your roof is. Installing solar panels is probably not the best idea if you know you will need a new roof soon or if a portion of your roof is damaged. If possible, complete any roof repairs prior to installation. You won’t have to pay extra to have the work dismantled and then reassembled (in some cases for at least 20 years).

2. What is the shape of your roof?

Roofs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Make sure your roof has enough space for the solar panels before proceeding with any installation. If there isn’t enough space, you won’t get the expected return on your investment.

3. Which direction do the slopes of your roof face?

Solar panels must be placed precisely in order to generate the maximum amount of power. Most professionals agree that the panels should face south, while others believe they should face west. Regardless, you must determine this information before the installation can begin.

4. How much weight can your roof handle?

Installing solar panels will increase the weight of your roof’s structure. If the weight of these solar panels becomes too much for your roof to support, it may collapse. This is extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons, not to mention costly. To avoid both scenarios, it is critical to have a professional inspect your roof to determine if additional support is needed to complete the installation.

5. Where will the water go?

When it rains, water runs down the roof, into the gutters, and out of the house. When installing solar panels, equipment such as racking and wire harnesses can obstruct proper water flow and drainage. In some cases, solar equipment can cause water to flow in an unexpected direction, causing leaks and other issues. These issues will require repair, which will necessitate the removal of the solar panels.

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